How to reinvent your Organization to navigate an Uncertain Future?
Taking the future as it comes, preparing, or creating it ?
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination”
Albert Einstein
Perspectives in Strategic Foresight
The Future is not “in a galaxy, far, far away”, at least perhaps not metaphorically. Everything we do today creates a possible future. How you think about the future is therefore important.
Do you believe that the future should be taken as it comes?
Do you believe that you should prepare for the future?
Or….Do you believe that you can create your desired future?
The purpose of strategic foresight is to provide a rigorous, yet imaginative process, anchored in academic research, to help businesses and individuals to formulate a strategy which brings to life a desired future.
OXFORD SAID BUSINESS SCHOOL AND HAUTE ECOLE de COMMERCE (HEC) Alumni Network works closely with executive leadership and management teams to deepen their strategic thinking on the future.
By working with strategic foresight in relation to alternative futures, leaders are engaging with uncertainty as an opportunity.
Good boards do not wait for the crisis to pass before starting to assess the opportunities created. We do not know how the future will end up for business. Yet, we know how to put together a group of leaders to look at strategic options this crisis may open up. Potential avenues are identified that the organisation can experiment with and adjust its actions accordingly.
A collaborative and iterative process, Future is NOW! offers new perspectives: to think deeply, to see far, to notice more, to challenge conventions, to collaborate, and to do all this in a disciplined and structured manner.
If you are curious and would like to know more, do get in touch!