The program is intended for senior executives, for managers who would like to better prepare themselves for the role of a Leader – Mentor in increasingly difficult and ever-changing business conditions.


We have created our proposal in a way  to involve the participants in the development for which they will take responsibility, and they will be able to apply their knowledge and skills immediately in the workplace.

The scope includes 6 modules ( 4 x two-day modules and 2 x half-day) – a total of 9 days – 72 training hours. Modules are organized every 6-8 weeks …

Training completed ( after passing the exam) with  the International OAM Certificate signed by Mind Partners and Professor David Clutterbuck.


  • Models used: EMCCModel, Structured Supervision Process accredited by AoEC (Academy of Executive Coaching), as well as the Roche Martin model of Emotional Intelligence skills.
  • Demonstrations – a masterful presentation of leadership competences by the Leaders – Mentors.
  • RealPlay advantage over Role-Play.
  • Picturestories, metaphors and case studies.
  • Involving participants by working with current and unresolved issues:
  • Working in small groups, feedback from participants and mentors (dyads, triads).
  • Reflections on your own experiences (on and off the course).
  • Just-in-time learning (the opportunity to apply the knowledge directly after the course).
  • Preparing to create your own model of the Leader as a Mentor (who am I as a Leader and Mentor, how do I work to be effective in team management, knowledge transfer, succession planning, what is unique in my approach)


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